2015 NHPT House Preservation Award
Moritz Spier House
678 Orange Street
Architect: Brown & Von Beren
Date: 1895
Owner: Gina and Robert Naracci
Restoration Architect: Gina and Robert Naracci
Restoration Date: 2014
New Haven is filled with intact but unrestored vintage homes of enchanting provenance. The Moritz Spier House is one of three houses built next to each other in the mid 1890s designed by architects Brown & Von Beren. This house was purchased in 2005 by Rob and Gina Narracci, two architects who work in the office of Cesar Pelli. Ten years after purchase a meticulous restoration has completely revived the home's exquisite Georgian Revival exterior -- executed as the interior has had many projects reach completion, with many more to come. Personal dedication by devoted homeowners with professional and hands-on expertise has made new what was once threatened by time and neglect.

2015 NHPT Merit Award
Center Church Parish House
311 Temple Street
Architect (Ezekiel Trowbridge House): Sidney Mason Stone
Date: 1852
Architect (Rear Addition): Leoni W. Robinson
Date: 1911
Owner: First Church of Christ in New Haven, U.C.C.
Restoration Architect: Gregg Wies & Gardner Architects, LLC
Restoration Date: 2014 (exterior ongoing)
Center Church on the Green's Parish Hall, a once-faded treasure, has had its exterior lovingly and gloriously restored to splendor. What began as a daunting, yet vital project to replace their parish hall roof evolved into the revitalization of an irreplaceable New Haven landmark by a devoted congregation. For a little over 100 years, Center Church on the Green has continued to staff their offices in the original Trowbridge residence and host the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen in the basement of the parish hall. Yet while the practice has continued from the first day of dedication, the state of the parish hall had slowly been in decline. As with many other 19th century structures, windows no longer held a sufficient amount of heat, historical elements were replaced for newer versions, and general upgrades were needed. In fact, it was the replacement of the roof that acted as a catalyst for the structure’s sensitive overhaul.

2015 NHPT Landmark Award
The Institute Library
847 Chapel Street
Architect: Rufus G. Russell
Date: 1878
Owner: The Young Men’s Institute Library
Restoration Architect: Joe Banks AIA
New Haven’s Institute Library is a hidden architectural and cultural gem, unusually well-preserved for a building in downtown New Haven in that it is not affiliated with any university, municipal, or ecclesiastical institution. Designed by Rufus G. Russell, a student of Henry Austin, this beautiful Victorian building has been continuously occupied by the library since being built in 1878, and has kept its character through the many economic and cultural changes of the last 140 years. The library’s executive directors, Will Baker and Natalie Elicker, recognizing the importance of the space, have engaged the members in a unique program of conservation, keeping the feel, function, and detail of the space, while updating the infrastructure of the building to meet the needs of a 21st century library.