Historic Photos from the Historic Resources Inventory
922-928 State Street
About the New Haven Historic Resources Inventory (HRI)
The first New Haven Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) was conducted between 1979 and 1983 to document the City’s historic architecture and structures, including Modern-style buildings. The survey was completed by the New Haven Preservation Trust with help from the Connecticut Historical Commission (now the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)), the New Haven Foundation (The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven), the Downtown Council, and the City of New Haven.
When originally published, the Trust was commended for its foresight in planning and completing this comprehensive inventory program in the hopes that it would remain a valuable resource for years to come. Since the original Historic Resource Inventory was documented, subsequent inventories have been compiled, including the Historic Mills and Historic Barns Inventories documented by Preservation Connecticut. Additionally, the inventory of Modern buildings has been added to and digitized, and they are available on our New Haven Modern website.
While copies of the Historic Resource Inventory forms are available at the Trust’s office for research on historic buildings and structures, the Trust has digitized the archive of over 5000 original photos from the survey.
How to use this photo resource:
Historic photos can be a helpful resource for owners looking to restore their buildings. Are you interested in repairing or restoring lost features on your historic home? Though the HRI does not include every single building in New Haven or photos of every facade of the buildings it does include, the photos in this archive can be a starting place in determining the work that needs to be done to match the original features or design intent of the building.
Each structure in the HRI (here represented by its image) is fully described in terms of its architectural style and history. If you would like to read the HRI entry for any of these structures, please contact the office at 203-562-5919.
When searching for an address in this archive, please note the following:
Pages have been capped at 50 photos per page to limit page loading times.
Some photos do not include a corresponding inventory sheet. These are marked with an asterisk (*) in the photo’s caption.
During the scanning process, it was discovered that some streets were missing from our office archive. For example, while Autumn Street is in the HRI, the original photos were missing and are unfortunately not included here.
The photos are captioned with addresses as written on the backs of the original photos. Addresses change over time, depending on ownership and property lines. For example, 63-65 Clark Street is a photo of a single building, whereas 64 and 68 Clark Street is a photo of two buildings. There are some exceptions, however.
If your house or building is located in a Historic District it may have been skipped in the HRI because the area was already extensively surveyed. There are exceptions, so be sure to check our archive as well as National Register information.
Click on each photo for a larger view.
Each structure in the HRI (here represented by its image) is fully described in terms of its architectural style and history. If you would like to read the HRI entry for any of these structures, or if you have any questions or can’t find what you are looking for here, please call our office at 203-562-5919 or email for more information.