2017 NHPT House Preservation Award
Laura Sargent House
Bishop Street
Architect: Henry Killam Murphy, Dana and Murphy Architects
Date: 1912
Owner: Betsy and Len Grauer
Renovation Architect: George Knight
Renovation Date: 2006
Built in 1912 for the offspring of a great New Haven family, Laura Sargent of Sargent Hardware, and by a leading society architect, Henry Murphy of Dana and Murphy Architects, this casually majestic home has been fully restored and updated by its current owners, Betsy and Len Grauer. Rather than reinvent and change, many of the home’s 2006 restoration returned features and finishes to their original condition. Under the tender ministrations by architect George Knight, very careful updating made the kitchen, downstairs bath, and existing possessions of the owners fully accommodated along with all of the technological updates needed for effortless utility in the 21st century.
Photo: Robert Lisak

2017 NHPT Merit Award
Lane-Hubbard House
84 Second Street
Builder and Mason: Andrew J. Ramsdell
Date: 1871
Owner: Lisa Hoffer and Christopher Schaffer
Among the oldest and relatively unaltered houses in City Point, this small, well-designed structure was typical for the working class members of this neighborhood, built for a shell-fishing family in the post Civil War era. The current owner’s dedication to research, valuing renovation discoveries, and caring for the historic integrity of this special place is evident in every restored detail. The story can even be told of each small home improvement such as running water, gas, and electricity, typical of so many early city houses. Today, in the face of expedient renovations nearby, to see these authentic materials and the age-appropriate appearance of this well-cared-for gem, is to virtually step into the past.

2017 NHPT Landmark Award
Morse and Stiles Colleges
302 York Street
Architect: Eero Saarinen
Date: 1960
Owner: Yale University
Renovation Architect: Stephen Kieran, KieranTimberlake
Renovation Date: 2011
The underlying literal and figurative strength of form of Eero Saarinen’s original design for Morse and Stiles Residential Colleges at Yale is clearly apparent in the renovation work completed there by KieranTimberlake. Saarinen designs with repeated modules reflecting functionality, all to be read as architectural elements playing with one another in vertical undulation of skyline silhouette across the rise and fall of the site’s ground plane. Stephen Kieran, in his restorative renovation of Morse and Stiles, deftly and sensitively underscores Saarinen’s intents. Functionalities and undulations are supplemented, giving contemporary relevance to Saarinen’s sense of poetic wonder in architectural form.

2017 Margaret Flint Award
Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven
333 Sherman Avenue
Established: 1971
Executive Director: James A. Paley, Ph.D.
Since its founding in 1979, and under the continuous and capable leadership of James Paley, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven (NHS) has worked diligently to acquire blighted houses and transform them into affordable and energy-efficient homes. In 37 years, NHS renovated and sold more than 275 houses, many of which are located in New Haven’s partially abandoned historic neighborhoods. The New Haven Preservation Trust is pleased to present its most prestigious prize, the Margaret Flint Award, to Neighborhood Housing Services in recognition of their long-standing commitment to historic preservation.