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NHPT 2024 Preservation Awards

  • City Hall, 165 Church Street, New Haven 165 Church Street New Haven, CT, 06510 United States (map)

Please join us for the New Haven Preservation Trust 2024 Awards, an annual recognition of longstanding and creatively renovated architecture in our diverse and sophisticated city.

This year we honor five structures for their notable character, history, and preservation. We also honor all the individuals and companies involved in their stewardship.

The Trust will celebrate the active reuse of two formerly abandoned schools: Edwards Street School (Landmark Award) and St. Michael’s School (Merit Award), along with House Awards for the restoration of two 1955 “California Modern” residences and special recognition for a renovated 1869 house at 1389 Chapel Street.

For over 60 years, the New Haven Preservation Trust has given Landmark, Merit, and House awards to over 250 structures, a remarkable tradition that demonstrates the City’s rich architectural heritage.

Free and open to the public. Advance registration is appreciated, but not required. Everyone welcome!


Event made possible through the valued support of: