National Register Historic Districts & Individually Listed Properties
Trowbridge Square
National Register Historic Districts and individually listed properties are included in the National Register of Historic Places, the nation’s roster of properties important in the pre-history, history, architectural history, engineering or culture of the United States and its people. The National Register is maintained by the National Park Service, and is expanded through nominations by individuals, organizations, state and local governments and federal agencies.
National Register criteria identify the range of resources and areas of importance that qualify districts for listing. The Register includes properties determined to have significance at the national, state and local levels. Besides meeting one or more of the National Register criteria, a district must also possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association in order to be eligible for designation. This means, in effect, that if a district has been seriously compromised by many unsympathetic alterations, it may not be eligible for the Register. Listing on the National Register of Historic Places serves to:
encourage the preservation of historic districts by documenting historic properties and supporting local preservation activities
provide for review of federally funded, licensed or sponsored projects which may affect historic properties
make owners of historic properties eligible to apply for available federal grants programs
encourage the rehabilitation of income-producing historic properties through federal and state tax incentives
provide protection from unreasonable destruction, pursuant to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes, Section 22a-19s.