State Register Historic Districts & Individually Listed Properties
Union and New Haven Trust & Company Building, 205 Church Street. Architect: Cross and Cross, 1927.
State Register Historic Districts are included in the State Register of Historic Places. These designations are administered by the State Historic Preservation Office of the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism and include local historic districts and historic districts approved for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, that are nominated by individuals, organizations or state and local governments. State Register Historic Districts may also be established by the Connecticut Historic Preservation Council, which bases its decisions on National Register criteria.
A listing in the State Register promotes historic preservation by:
lending support to local preservation efforts without restricting the rights of private owners in the use or development of their properties
providing for the review of historic properties in the early stages of state-funded or state-assisted activities
qualifying properties for Connecticut’s Historic Homes Rehabilitation Tax Credit program
qualifying properties for grants from Connecticut’s Historic Restoration Fund
providing special consideration for historic preservation under the provisions of the state building and fire codes, the state lead poisoning law, and the American with Disabilities Act