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Lost New Haven: Traveling Through Time

  • BAR, 254 Crown Street New Haven, CT (map)
Photo: Courtesy of New Haven Museum

Photo: Courtesy of New Haven Museum

Cultures change, so our buildings evolve. Some buildings that we loved are torn down for the next use. And history is lost forever.

What has been lost in New Haven? This illustrated talk will wend through the epochal shifts in our place, the buildings that defined our landscape and that have been swept away by changes. In these tidal swells and ebbs are individual tragedies of loss that may have simply been forgotten or softened by the passage of time.

Duo Dickinson, FAIA, will focus his talk on the architecture that has been lost by the unthinking energy of social change that propels America and New Haven forward. The particular lessons of each building can reveal what we have been, where we are, and, perhaps, where we are going.

5:30 p.m.
Reception with Pizza and Cash Bar

6:00 p.m.
Presentation by Duo Dickinson, FAIA

Admission for Talk and Reception: $10
Registration is requested by Thursday, November 8.

Watch the lecture video →